How to Fix the ‘User Not Found’ Error on Instagram

Have you ever visited a personal profile on Instagram and encountered the error message “User not found” on your screen?

Or you’ve tried searching for the username or sending a direct message but couldn’t establish contact with the person. This can happen for various reasons.

Please note that receiving such a message doesn’t necessarily mean you have been blocked. We are here to explain why you may be experiencing this. I suggest you see the article on Instagram Tutorial: From 0 To 100 For Beginners.

The main reasons that can lead to encountering the “User not found” error on Instagram are as follows:

  1. The user has changed their username.
  2. The respective user has blocked you.
  3. The user has permanently deleted their account.
  4. The user has temporarily deactivated their account.
  5. The user’s account has been suspended.
  6. You have mistyped the username.
  7. You are still using an older version of Instagram.

What does the “User Not Found” message mean on Instagram?

The “User Not Found” message on Instagram can have different meanings in various scenarios. We will examine all possible scenarios to understand the specific meaning of each situation:

The user can’t be found on Instagram, but their profile picture is visible.

This situation occurs when you visit the user’s profile shortly after deactivating or suspending their account. However, if you visit the same profile after a few days, you won’t be able to see their profile picture either.

The user can’t be found on Instagram, but their posts are visible.

This situation occurs due to a technical glitch on Instagram or another person blocking you.

However, this issue can be automatically resolved by restarting the Instagram application quickly.

The user can’t be found on Instagram, but you can send them a direct message.

In this case, you can send a message to the person through direct messaging, but it’s important to note that the user will not receive the messages. Additionally, even if the user’s account is found someday, the messages will not be delivered to them.

Therefore, spending your time sending direct messages in this situation is futile.

The user can’t be found on Instagram, but their bio is visible.

This situation is also a result of a technical glitch that should be resolved quickly. The bio’s availability does not indicate the user’s presence in your friends list.

Why do I encounter the “User Not Found” error on Instagram?

There are seven reasons why this may occur. Consider each of them to understand why you are encountering the Instagram error message “User Not Found”:

The user has changed their username.

This is one of the most common reasons for encountering the “User Not Found” error.

It is worth mentioning that Instagram allows users to change their usernames whenever they want.

When searching with their old username, it appears that the profile you’re trying to find no longer exists. So, how can you ensure their username has been changed?

  • You can easily search for them on your social media platforms and check if the person has updated their profile information. – Additionally, you can find the person’s new username by going through your mutual friends’ follower lists.
  • You can also open your chat history with the user to immediately prompt Instagram to show you their updated profile information. However, you have been blocked if you still encounter the “User Not Found” error.

The respective user has blocked you

When someone blocks you on Instagram, you won’t be able to see their profile. You might see their username in recent searches, but when you visit their profile, you’ll encounter the “User Not Found” error.
However, it is recommended to perform a check before drawing any conclusions. The user’s profile should still be visible to others, so try to verify this.
If it is visible to your friends, you can be sure you have been blocked.

The user has permanently deleted their account.

When a user deletes their profile on Instagram, all the content they uploaded and shared, along with their comments, will be permanently removed. Additionally, their account will not appear in the follower lists of other users.
Therefore, the best way to check if a user has deleted their account is to search for their profile using another account.
If you encountered the “User Not Found” error even with the second account, it is likely, that the user has permanently deleted their account. I suggest you see the article on Deactivating Instagram Temporarily And Permanently

The user has temporarily deactivated their account.

Instagram users often take breaks and try to clear their minds. Therefore, it has become common for individuals to deactivate their profiles temporarily.

If someone chooses to do this, their account will not appear in search results or the follower lists of other users.

Please note that the outcome in this case is similar to when a user permanently deletes their account. The only way to determine which of these two scenarios has occurred is to wait for the person to reactivate their account. I suggest you see the article on Deactivate Instagram With The Easiest Possible Method + Professional Tips!

The user’s account has been suspended.

Instagram has over a billion active monthly users, and the platform aims to maintain high community standards. For this reason, it has established various rules and guidelines for users to follow.

However, when specific users fail to comply with the set rules, they may be at risk of having their accounts suspended.

Find out if the person you are trying to connect with has violated Instagram’s guidelines.

Users with prohibited profiles on Instagram can request a review to restore their accounts.

Typing error in the username.

While spelling mistakes are a very simple and common error, ensure you have typed the intended person’s username correctly in the search bar. Many times, such mistakes are human errors and not related to Instagram!

Check if the username has been written correctly, and only type the username you are looking for. This simple tip can help you find the user correctly.

Using an outdated version of Instagram.

In the past, not updating Instagram has caused some individuals to experience difficulties in finding users on the platform. However, it’s important to note that this issue is not very common, but it’s worth trying to update your app to the latest version.

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I know I’m not blocked, so why can’t I find an Instagram user?

If you’re certain that you’re not blocked, it’s possible that the user has changed their username, deleted their account, or their account has been temporarily suspended by Instagram.

How can I tell if someone has blocked me on Instagram?

The best way to determine if a user has blocked you is to check their profile from another account. Additionally, if you’re certain they haven’t deleted your messages, you can review your chat history to see if your conversations with the specific user still exist.

Can I send a message to such a user?

While in some cases, you may be able to send a message or reply to a message from such a user, you should know that your messages will not be delivered to them. Even if the user unblocks you at some point, your messages still won’t be sent.

Does updating the app fix the ‘user not found’ error on Instagram?

Sometimes, having an outdated app version may cause such errors to appear. You can resolve it by updating the app. However, please note that this is a rare occurrence, and sometimes, these updates can result in receiving such errors.

Error on Instagram
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