What Are the Reasons for Deleting an Instagram Post ? [Special Solution]

What causes Instagram post to be deleted and how can you prevent Instagram from deleting your posts? As the most popular social network, Instagram has had a significant impact on our lifestyles. During the long hours we spend scrolling through Instagram, we come across a variety of content. Many users have even been able to achieve high incomes through Instagram.

Despite all the tools and opportunities that Instagram provides, it is not free of bugs and issues. As a subsidiary of Facebook, Instagram is constantly updating. But what could be the reason for Instagram posts being deleted?

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What are the reasons for a post being blocked on Instagram?

Some Instagram users have experienced the problem of their posts not showing up on Instagram. The reason for Instagram posts being deleted can be due to various factors. The manifestation of this problem is that the new post disappears a few seconds after being published. Searches and statistics have shown that this problem has existed for a long time.

The reason for Instagram posts being deleted in some cases is not yet conclusively determined. However, some logical reasons have been found for this issue.

Instagram is sensitive to the activities of its users

One possible reason for this issue is Instagram’s sensitivity to the activities of its users and their accounts. Some of Instagram’s restrictive rules include offenses. Most users also do not pay attention to Instagram’s rules and regulations. Have any of us really read the terms and conditions of Instagram before or after registering?

For this reason, many of us may not even realize that we are violating Instagram’s rules. Therefore, if an Instagram post is deleted, we may not be aware of the reasons for it.

With millions of users worldwide, Instagram is forced to constantly make changes to its user management system. These changes have led to many problems for active users. Automatic deletion of posts on Instagram is one of them.
There are various reasons for this. Sudden changes in the account and some security issues are among the reasons for Instagram post deletion. We will examine the aspects of this issue more closely below.

The reason for Instagram post deletion

Some Instagram users have experienced the problem of their posts not showing up on Instagram. This problem occurs immediately after the post is published. But what is the reason for Instagram post deletion and its solution? Post blocking on Instagram leads to user disappointment. This situation becomes worse when users are not aware of the reasons for it.

Especially since Instagram deletes many posts without warning users. If the reasons are not found, this issue will have a significant impact on user activity. So let’s see what the reason for Instagram post deletion is?

Instagram’s rules and restrictions on content publishing

Social media platforms are an integral part of modern life. These platforms have their own rules and regulations for content publishing due to having a large number of users. Instagram has also implemented its own specific rules and restrictions in this regard. Many users have noticed their Instagram posts being deleted within a few seconds of being published. This deletion always takes place without the user being informed of the reason. Users facing this issue are confronted with a message indicating non-compliance with community guidelines.

Instagram has some restrictive and strict rules. All users are required to comply with these conditions. If any user violates these rules, they will face penalties from Instagram. Some content is prohibited on Instagram, meaning that no user should use them in their posts. Topics whose content has been restricted or prohibited by Instagram include:

  • Arms trading
  • Buying and selling alcohol
  • Drug trafficking
  • Prescription drugs without a prescription
  • Sale of live animals
  • Online gambling advertising
  • Sexual content
  • Hate speech
  • Extortion and harassment
  • Encouragement of violence
  • Self-harm advertising

Content that somehow reflects any of the above cases will be restricted by Instagram. This is also one of the most important reasons for post deletion on Instagram. Some users create content without being aware of this issue. However, this is not the only reason for Instagram post deletion.

Not following the guidelines is a reason for Instagram post deletion

Although there are other reasons for Instagram post deletion, this is the most common one. If you follow Instagram’s rules and regulations, the problem will most likely be resolved. Violating Instagram’s rules includes post deletion and sending notifications to the user because Instagram wants to remain a safe and reliable place for its users, where clear opinions can be expressed. Instagram’s rules are aimed at enriching users’ content and promoting their growth. Therefore, be careful when creating content for Instagram and avoid copied content, inappropriate topics, and the cases we mentioned earlier.

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Failure to verify contact information and email address

One reason for Instagram post deletion can be the failure to verify the email address and phone number associated with the user’s account. This is a common occurrence among users. After registering on Instagram, an email or text message is sent to you. By verifying it, your account is “Verified,” so to speak. I suggest you see the article on Instagram Tutorial: From 0 To 100 For Beginners.

If you haven’t done this, you will most likely face the problem of post blocking on Instagram. Although in most cases, Instagram overlooks this issue. It is possible that you can publish your content without verifying your email or phone number. However, this issue will still remain as one of the potential reasons. To solve this problem, you need to verify your phone number or email address on Instagram.

Using an old version can be a reason for Instagram post deletion

Using an old version of the Instagram app can be one of the main reasons for post deletion. If you are using an older version, it is necessary to update it. Instagram has tried to solve many of the problems in previous versions in newer ones. Therefore, it has created restrictions on using older versions.

To solve this problem, you need to go to the App Store (for iPhones) or Google Play (for Android phones) and update your Instagram. You can also use various Iranian platforms such as Bazaar for this purpose. Installing the latest version not only resolves potential issues but also creates more security and convenience for users.

Copyright violation is a reason for Instagram post deletion

The copyright laws do not cover all content available on the internet. However, many texts, images, music, and videos are subject to these laws. Registering original music is one of the major concerns of social networks and their users. Using famous artists’ music in certain parts of a video without mentioning their name can result in the deletion of an Instagram post.

The same applies to images, texts, and other content. Although Instagram is more sensitive to music. To solve this problem, it is necessary to comply with copyright laws. The right to publish content on social networks includes the following:

Audiovisual content includes all types of videos, video games, images, and TV shows.

 Audio content includes music, recorded sounds, and speeches.

Written content includes books, manuscripts, music scores, and plays

What can we do if an Instagram post is deleted?

If you face this problem, you can request Instagram to address it by filing a report. Obtaining the copyright owner’s consent can result in the restoration of the deleted Instagram post. To do so:

Click on the ‘Appeal’ button when you receive a warning message.

After providing the necessary information, click on ‘Submit’ to protect your content against copyright violations.

Otherwise, you can use various types of non-copyrighted content. I suggest you see the article on What Is Instagram Copyright, And How To Fix Its Problems?

Shadow banning on Instagram

One of the reasons for post deletion is shadowbanning on Instagram. If you have recently experienced post deletion on Instagram, this may be the reason. Shadowbanning on Instagram occurs when you excessively comment, post, like, follow or unfollow.

Especially if you do one of these activities repeatedly and in a short period of time. As a result, Instagram will limit your performance.

A clear example of shadowbanning

For example, if you post excessively, you may be shadowbanned and unable to post new content. This issue arises when Instagram identifies your account as spam.

To solve this problem, you need to wait for your account to return to normal. Shadow banning restrictions usually last no more than a few days. In the worst case, this issue may take around two weeks to resolve.

Bugs can be a reason for Instagram posts to be deleted

Sometimes old posts on Instagram are deleted. Despite its engineering greatness, Instagram has its own bugs and issues. These bugs have different qualities and quantities depending on their reasons. For example, you may face some delays when uploading posts. This issue may also be partly responsible for post deletion on Instagram. There is no solution to this problem.

The only way for users is to wait for the network to solve the problem. In this case, you should keep in mind that other users are also experiencing similar issues. Perhaps this bug is due to the use of an old version of the application. If you still experience similar issues after updating Instagram, you need to be patient until the problem is resolved.

Performing suspicious activities on a user account

Instagram’s security section constantly monitors user account activities. As soon as suspicious activity is detected, your account is identified as spam. As a result, restrictions may be imposed on your account activity. If there are major changes in Instagram’s activity process, its robots will be sensitive to your account.

Connecting robots to Instagram is one of the suspicious activities that will not go unnoticed by Instagram’s robots. But what exactly is considered suspicious activity? Let’s give an example.

Imagine that your account has been abandoned for several months without any activity. Now you’ve returned and are posting several times a day, especially if your posts are highly attractive and generate a lot of engagement. In this case, your account will most likely be restricted by Instagram.

This may also be the reason for Instagram post deletion. To solve this problem, remove your account from all Instagram management programs and robots. Also, if you plan to resume activity after a long hiatus, you should do so with patience and gradually.

Hacking of an account : reason for Instagram post deletion

Perhaps this issue may seem a bit unlikely, but hacking of an account can also be a reason for Instagram post deletion. Hackers’ accounts and operations are very complex. Some of them hack accounts just for fun and to test their skills, while others are after extortion. The owners of hacked accounts may not even be aware of this issue.

Therefore, deletion of Instagram posts and some other activities will be out of their sight. If your account is hacked, you need to enter the settings and change your password. Then ask Instagram to log you out of all devices. Enabling two-factor authentication will also increase your security against hackers.

Enabling two-factor authentication on Instagram

To enable two-factor authentication settings on Instagram, follow the instructions below:

Click on the profile button in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Select the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
In the Account section, click on the Two-Factor Authentication option.
By doing this, when logging into your account, a text message will be sent to your mobile phone to verify your identity. By entering it, you will be granted access to your account.

Summary and final words:

  • Avoid methods of increasing followers such as robots, follow/unfollow, direct messages, and automatic comments.
  • Be careful with the hashtags you use in your posts.
  • If you intend to publish content, first publish it temporarily. If you do not receive a warning from Instagram, proceed with its publication.
  • Sometimes it is necessary to log out of your account and log back in. In some cases, this problem may be due to issues with the installed software on the device, which can be resolved by reinstalling Instagram.
  • If suspicious activity is detected, your account may be shadowbanned. Resolving this issue requires patience until the restrictions imposed by Instagram are lifted.
  • When publishing content, be aware of copyright laws. Do not publish content without mentioning the creator’s name.
  • Beware of hackers. Your account may have been hacked. Therefore, it is better to enable two-factor authentication.
  • In many cases, all you need to do is be patient. The reason for the deletion of Instagram posts may be technical issues with the network itself. Therefore, there is nothing you can do about it.

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Deleting Instagram Post
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